Sunday, 4 January 2009

2009... Let It Shine!

Hello again. Long time, no see, and all the rest of the clichés that are trotted out when you haven’t seen or spoken to people for a very long time, usually followed by “I’ve been busy”.

Trite, but true. It’s not an excuse, or a justification. It just is.

I’ve been busy…

Busy with my new “day job”: stripper. Yes, I’m joking. Not that kind of stripper. Yes, you know the one you were thinking of. The one that involves poles and lack of clothing. Not that one. This one involves steam and wallpaper and endless hours of making our (relatively) new house look the way we want it. The office is finished and the new kitchen gets installed in mid-January, after which we have to do the guest room so that we can offer my mom a place to sleep when she visits in the summer. Then we get to tackle changes to our bedroom and the bathrooms. And then… it seems a never-ending project at the moment. Lest you think I’m complaining. I’m not. Apart from when I'm writing, I’m absolutely in my element redecorating rooms. I’m having the time of my life. But then, thanks to my inability to climb further than the third rung of a ladder without turning into a quivering wreck, I’m not the one balanced on high bending awkwardly steaming the wallpaper off the ceilings (yes, it’s everywhere!). At this point, I’d just like to thank my husband for his tireless, stoic, and (mostly) cheerful dedication to the job!

Busy with my new project: The other spirit world. I started a website dedicated to whisky (Whisky Distilled). Hey, I live in Scotland and I love the stuff. I also now live with a barley field just beyond my back gate, a distillery just beyond that, and a maltings just down the road. Having a website dedicated to this particular spirit has been in the works for a while, and moving to our current house provided just the impetus I needed. At least, I think this is what my guides meant when they said to develop a website based on the spirit world…. Only kidding, because I’ve also been…

Busy with my re-evaluation and re-design of Woo-Woo Wisdom. For a while now, I’ve been wanting to change Woo-Woo Wisdom from a blog to a metaphysical resource site. Blogs work well for some purposes. For example, our personal blog works for me as an online diary that keeps family and friends up to date with our antics. But, for what I envisaged for Woo-Woo Wisdom in the longer term, a blog format started becoming a real sticking point. It just didn’t feel right for me for this purpose. So I’ve decided to change it. It isn’t quite ready yet, so I can’t point you to a link. Please be patient :). You’ll be the first to know when it’s ready for visitors. I’m taking it as it comes, so I don’t have a hard and fast date for the “launch”, but I’m aiming for no longer than about two or three months from now. While I’m busy with all of this, I probably won’t be posting much, if at all. In the meantime, please enjoy the archives, and keep checking back (or subscribe to this blog’s feed) to get a notification of when the new site is up and running.

Happy New Year to all of you! May 2009 be your year to shine!


Anonymous said...

I was really wondering what happened to you for a while. Glad to know that you've been busy with projects that you enjoy doing! Happy New Year!!

Looking forward to your new metaphysical site!!


Rósíngr said...

Muahahah! :-D Hilarious, your post, I liked it. Thanks for being so entertaining.

How awesome woo-woo wisdom is becoming a website about metaphysical resources! I will link to your site from the new website I am secretly creating! ;-)

Much Love to you Mags, and I wish you a great, great, great new year!


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Evelyn, and happy new year to you too!

Anonymous said...

Your new website sounds very intriguing, Rose! I look forward to seeing it! Much love to you too :)

Lucy Lopez said...

Hi Mags

I've been away too...but am back now :-)

It's wonderful to read about all your new projects. The spirit does move us in more ways than one... :-)

I plan to get in touch by email. I trust I'll find your ad somewhere on your blog...

Much love, Lucy

Anonymous said...

Welcome back to you too, Lucy!

Yes, my email is on the blog under the "About" and "Ask Mags" sections, but to make it easier for you, it's woowoowisdom[at]gmail[dot]com :)

look forward to chatting soon!

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....